
As an end-of-life coach/doula, I seek to understand the objectives and hopes of my patients and their families. Each situation calls for a unique, customized approach that meets the specific needs of the clients and family members involved. That said, typical care often includes some or all of the following services:
Vision mapping: Best 3 months (BM3)
Patient advocate and communication assistance with healthcare providers
Demystifying the stages of the dying process: death education
Life review
Non-medical hands-on care
Comfort care therapies: aromatherapy, touch, easing the breath, guided visualization and relaxation
Providing emotional and spiritual support to all involved
Practices for developing presence and balancing energy between self and others
Communication practices: Pure, Basic listening, reading the field, big bold questions
Forgiveness practices
Embodiment: saying goodbye to the body
Grief, Anger awareness and release practices
Vigil planning
Funeral Planning
After death body care

NEDA: National End-of-life Doula Alliance
Advance Care Planning
The Conversation Project (Helps start the conversation about the end of life including how to choose a proxy)
Good End of Life (A simple site offering free worksheets on advanced care planning)
Advance Care Planning Forms by State
VSED Resources (information on voluntarily stopping eating and drinking)
Death with Dignity (The mission of the Death with Dignity National Center is to promote Death with Dignity laws based on the model Oregon Death with Dignity Act, both to provide an option for dying individuals and to stimulate nationwide improvements in end-of-life care.)
The Inspired Funeral (readings, songs, rituals)
What’s Your Grief? (grieving support and resources)
By Your Side: Caring for the Dying at Home, Barbara Karnes
Grieving Is Loving: Compassionate Words for Bearing the Unbearable, Dr. Joanne Cacciatore
The Wild Edge of Sorrow, Francis Weller
What to Do When I am Gone: A Mother’s Wisdom to Her Daughter, Suzy Hopkins.
The Day I Die: The Untold Story of Assisted Dying in America, Anita Hannig
Die Wise, Stephen Jenkinson
A Year to Live, Stephen and Ondrea Levine
Who Dies?, Stephen and Ondrea Levine
Dying Well, Ira Byock
Extreme Measures, Jessica Zitter, MD
Children's Books
When Someone Dies, Sharon Greenlee
What Color is Death, Daddy?, Dr. Joanne Cacciatore
How Do You Care for A Very Sick Bear, Vanessa Bayer
The Goodbye Book, Todd Parr
Duck, Death and the Tulip, Wolf Erlbruch
Always Remember, Cece Meng
The Dragonfly Story: Explaining the death of a loved one to children
and families, Kelly Owen
Badger’s Parting Gifts, Suan Varley
Bear and Bird, James Skofield and Jennifer Thermes
The Memory Tree, Britta Teckentrup
Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children, Brian Mellonie and Robert Ingpen